Brain Washing Tactics

[Insert long intro blathering paragraph here.]

  1. Music with lyrics. Inevitably, the lyrics are nothing more than a way for cult leaders to tap into your brain’s memory center and create “ear worms” to micromanage your life.
  2. Canned sayings. Pretty much the same thing.
  3. Books used as training manuals. Again, same thing.
  4. Lifestyle “dos” and “don’t”s. This is where the above are “put into practice.” “Practice makes perfect!” So yeah, same thing.
  5. Societal/social “dos” and “don’t”s. Same thing.
  6. “The other” talk. “We’re one way, everyone else is another way.” Same thing, with a heavy dose of fear-mongering. “You know what’ll happen if you ‘get out of line.’”
  7. Governmental punitive laws based on those societal “dos” and “don’t”s. Same thing.
  8. Governments being co-opted by the wealthy, through “businesses are people” and “here’s how we want people corralled this time around.” Same thing.
  9. Educational systems being used to use all the above tactics, in one form or another, to support the co-opted Governmental, business-based agendas in particular societies, cultures, and entire civilizations. Same thing.
  10. Everyone in a society being so brainwashed that they raise future generations to believe that all of this is completely normal, acceptable, and even expected.

You don’t have to keep this cycle going.


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